Attivo a rispondere
(mi scuso per il testo in inglese, ma almeno c'è più seo, credo..)
This is an italian forum about a Minecraft server, and we are in the offtopic section. (➡versione italiana sotto⬅)
I got a question, why the name Parking lot, is called Parking lot, because there are a lot of parkings? and then, with a little search on the default search browser.. and then is Wikipedia! but I guess that they don't wanna say the origins and why.. Who knows why?, uhhm, searching yeah...
Found it!
The term parking lot first appeared around 1913 (112 y.o.!!!) in the U.S. It comes from "parking", which originally referred to planting trees in a reserved space (wow), and "lot" meaning a plot of land. So it’s basically a reserved space for vehicles instead of trees. Weird... source
That's all guys, bye.
This is an italian forum about a Minecraft server, and we are in the offtopic section. (➡versione italiana sotto⬅)
I got a question, why the name Parking lot, is called Parking lot, because there are a lot of parkings? and then, with a little search on the default search browser.. and then is Wikipedia! but I guess that they don't wanna say the origins and why.. Who knows why?, uhhm, searching yeah...
Found it!
The term parking lot first appeared around 1913 (112 y.o.!!!) in the U.S. It comes from "parking", which originally referred to planting trees in a reserved space (wow), and "lot" meaning a plot of land. So it’s basically a reserved space for vehicles instead of trees. Weird... source
That's all guys, bye.
Ho una domanda: perché il nome "Parking Lot" si chiama "Parking Lot"? Perché ci sono tanti parcheggi? E poi, con una piccola ricerca sul browser predefinito... ed ecco Wikipedia! Ma sembra che non vogliano dire l'origine e il perché... Chissà perché? Uhm... cerchiamo ancora...
Il termine parking lot è apparso per la prima volta intorno al 1913 (112 anni fa!!!) negli Stati Uniti. Deriva da "parking", che originariamente si riferiva alla piantumazione di alberi in uno spazio riservato (wow), e da "lot", che significa appezzamento di terreno. Quindi, in pratica, è uno spazio riservato per i veicoli invece che per gli alberi. Strano...
E questo è tutto, ragazzi.